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Strengthening of Assocations of Cities and Municipalities in BiH

The entity Associations of Municipalities and Cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (AMCs) play a crucial role in advocating for changes in legislation and funding on behalf of municipalities.
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The project aims to support AMCs’ institutional and organizational change so that they may improve their advocacy role and firmly represent the municipal interests in the evolving decentralization processes. In addition, the project will work on strengthening the capacities of AMCs, in order for them to support local governments in delivering efficient services to the citizens and demonstrate accountability. Consequently, this would lead to an improved role and status of the AMCs as a respected actor in promoting democratic developments in the context of the EU integration.

Focus area Local Governance and Municipal Services
Status Ongoing
Implementers SALAR and AMC's of RS and FBiH
Partners Swedish Government/Sida
Projects implemented in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska
Cantons Sarajevo Canton
Municipalities/Cities Banja Luka, Grad Sarajevo