Naslovna strana Područja djelovanja Mapa projekata Novosti & saznanja

Open and Accountable Municipalities (Ozone)

The project provides support to Mayors and municipal staff in establishing specific and measurable goals during the first 2 years of the mandate. Special emphasis is placed on better communication with citizens regarding the needs and expectations of citizens and municipal goals and the progress made.
Preuzmite informativni list projekta

Mayors and the municipal staff of the selected municipalities are provided with support by experts with governance experience in setting a New Policy Programme (NPP) with specific and measurable goals during the first 2 years of their mandate. The content of NPP is consistent with existing local development strategies, but also include internal administrative changes, savings and new practices to strengthen openness and accountability of the municipality towards citizens. Integration of new practices in the municipalities will be supported through a training programme customised for each municipality. Communication platforms will be established or strengthened (phone, social media, apps) for citizen concerns to be easily communicated and responded to in a timely manner, as well as providing frequent and clear updates towards citizens about the progress of the municipality towards the established goals. 

The project complements and builds on existing work regarding municipal development planning and citizen participation. Its particular value is in efforts to strengthen communication regarding municipal policies in an easily-understood and accessible way, thus building constituencies for further reforms.

Područja djelovanja Lokalna uprava i općinske usluge
Status U toku
Projekt implementiran u Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine, Republika Srpska
Kantoni Unsko-sanski kanton, Kanton Sarajevo
Općine/Opštine/Gradovi Bihać, Centar Sarajevo, Gradiška, Ilidža, Modriča, Novo Sarajevo