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Water and Sanitation Services Modernization (WSS)

Authorities at all levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina and international donors share a vision to reform the water services sector (water supply, drainage, and wastewater treatment).
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The World Bank has launched Water and Sanitation Services Modernization Project (WSS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina to improve the water services sector, through the strengthening of institutional capacities, increase of access and quality of water services and improvement of efficiency of the service providers. 

The project is co-financed by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO. The SECO donor initiative is the continuation of the Swiss support to Bosnia and Herzegovina, which have made a significant contribution to the systematic improvements of the water services sector in BH. This project thematically draws on MEG project initiatives supported by the Government of Switzerland, which provide a reasonable basis for performance-based funding.

Područja djelovanja Lokalna uprava i općinske usluge
Status U toku
Partneri RS Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, FBiH Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry
Projekt implementiran u Bosna i Hercegovina